Saturday, January 17, 2009

ahh super tired from going to bugis

Gavin Terence Mike Amos Raymond Kevin Kenny Clement ChongJun went.

i only got a T-shirt.

Ah yes we also invented a new game which was super fun.

Players - as many as possible
Rules -
1) each player asks another player a question or says a statement
2) the other player must answers and other players may add in.
Michael : I love botak people.
Terence : You are a Botak Dick
Raymond : You have a botak dick.

3) When saying anything. The following words are not allowed.

- No
- Maybe
- Anything ending with n't
- Not


Raymond : Can you sit over there?
Me: NO!
Raymond : HAH YOU ARE OUT!

if anyone says any of the following the player is OUT!

4) Additional Rules

-No other language are allowed
Terence : I will beat you all with ' YING CHUN '

-No hand signals
-No body language

5) Revival Round
- Anyone can join back into the game if the rest agrees.

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