Tuesday, July 24, 2007

... MoV like want kick me & eddy out le =X never mind.Why?

AMK no place play. alot of people will quit.
By End of this Year , Ah Long / Bryan go NS, nicholas go Poly , Ben takes over =O
Left Jurong and Lakeside can play. Too far.I just finished making my toolbox =X

AMK Mac just banned card players lol.

NCC today damn sian.
1st hour train. 2nd hour PT. but then end early.

IPP abit sian. dunno doing wad. everything so messy.


Gave a little thought.What else is imba in Dota.

Panda is gonna be banned in league. WOW. 25 seconds too long Mr. Frozen Frog.Plz quickly defrost.

FV is uber imba in Pubs. Treads , MoM , Basher , Basher or Treads , MoM , Buriza , MKB ,BFly
With the build you have 50%++ evasion( if calculated properly , its 35++%. ) and blink / slow / perma bash , 6 second AoE disable which cannot be blocked ( unless you have uber nice timing and lifesteal with gay AS. nuff said. farming is easy in -Em and MoM.increasing his base dmg is a big mistake.

Singapore is in MYM. WOW. When Singapore picked Omniknight , US laughed. When US lost, they nothing say =D.The team has an advantage of a 360 dmg/ heal , a AoE slow , invulnerable team for 5 sec ( 10 with refresh) and a perma magic immune for a teamate =X nuff said.


Finished packing my tool box for yu-gi-oh.
Album is prepared.
Current Deck i trying is kinda a weird deck. Rojak again.


no moves for the both of us =X
giving up le ba
art dunno how do =X

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